Frequently Asked Questions

Who are you and what kind of experience do you have?

Put simply, Michelle is a Word Nerd who fell in love with the power of creative storytelling at 9 years old and has spent her life learning how to make words work for maximum impact. You can read her full bio here.

Who are your typical clients?

We love strategic storytelling for mission-driven individuals and organizations--be they solopreneurs, NGOs, small businesses, corporations, or government agencies. We have provided strategies, content, and thought leadership support for all of these, from two-person startups to global enterprises.

What are the core services you offer?

Strategic writing and editing.

What do you specialize in?

Weaving storytelling into brand messaging, content writing (blog articles, bylines, collateral), copywriting (social media campaigns, scripts), and copy editing (checking logic, flow, grammar).

With ChatGPT and so many other content providers out there, why should I choose you?

Question for you: What brought you here?

Was it a referral or recommendation from someone you trust? Was it something about our online presence that piqued your curiosity? Have you read Michelle's fiction and wanted to see what she did IRL? 😉

Regarding AI, it is a useful tool, but it's just that. It's not a substitute for human writers because it needs to be wielded by someone who already knows writing (and humans!) to use it to full effect. If you just want content for the sake of content, this isn't the place for you. But if you have something meaningful to say, let's talk.

As for other content providers, none of us share the exact same education and experiences. It comes down to what you need and who has the expertise AND passion to bring it to you. Hopefully that's WordBird, but we won't know till we talk.

Finally, if someone referred you, let's honor that by having a conversation to see if there's the potential to do something great together!

What are your rates? How do they compare to similar services?

Please see the About page for current rates.

Honestly, comparing service providers in this field is like comparing apples to oranges to pomegranates. In the interest of transparency, these rates reflect career expertise tempered by what it takes to contribute good things to the world and live a good and simple life.

What is your process?

First step is to set up an intake call to learn more about your ultimate objective. We then prepare a proposal that includes context on best practices, proposed project components and pricing, and an estimated timeline. Before any work begins, we want it to be clear how we get there, but also how much that's going to cost in terms of time and money.

Why do I have to submit a form or email--why can't I book an intake call directly?

Time is precious, and we don't want to spend yours--or ours--if you're looking for a service we don't provide. Providing us a bit of information in advance means we can respond appropriately and come to that call prepared with questions that will get all of us what we need to move forward.